
Bücher filtern

Titel Autor Sprache ISBN Bibliotheks-Nr.
't is al Beddegoet
Moonen, An NL 9789062556618 14000148
1. Europäische Quilt-Triennale
Textilmuseum Max Beck D/E 14001244
3-Seam Squares for Quicker Quilts / Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes or Yardage
McNeill E 1-57421-669-4 14002247
100 Applikationen - bezaubernde Motive zum Aufnähen
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Fleischmann, Sabrina und Nixdorf, Heike deutsch 978-3772463563 14001782
100 Japanese Quilts
An Exibition of New Works by Quilt Artists in Japan
Japan Quilt Center ed. E/J 4-529-03672-3 14000467
100 Tips für dekorative Stoffe
Wichtige Hinweise und Techniken
Richardson, Julia D 3-8290-0551-2 14000502
1000 Artisan Textiles
Salamony, Sandra / Brown, Gina M. E 978-1-59253-609-2 14002061
1000 Farben auf Wolle und Seide
Ein Anleitungsbuch zum Färben mit Säurefarbstoffen im Mikrowellengerät
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Breuer, Gabriele deutsch 3-87512-551-7 14000844
1000 great quilt blocks
Gordon, McCormick Maggi E 1-56477-495-3 14000507
1000 Quilt Inspirations
Sider, Sandra E 978-1-59253-984-0 14002480
101 Log Cabin Blocks
with full size Patterns for Foundation Piecing
Causee, Linda E 0-88195-842-5 14002431
101 Patchwork Patterns
McKim, Ruby E 0-486-20773-0 14000916
101 Sewing Secrets
Singer, Sewing Reference Library E 0-86573-249-7 14001334
120 Paterrns for traditional Patchwork Quilts
Malone, Maggie E 978-0-8069-7716-7 14002611
14,287 Pieces of Fabric an Other Poems
Laury, Jean Ray E 0-914881-75-2 14000001
15 Minutes of Play
Improvisational Quilts
Findlay Wolfe, Victoria E 978-1-60705-586-0 14001718
150 blocks for baby quilts
Briscoe, Susan E ISBN 978-1-57120-430-1 14002169
1988 - 1998
Patchwork Gilde Austria D 14002292
2. Quilt-Biennale 1986
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002260
2.Europäische Quilt-Triennale
Textilsammlung Max Berk D/E/F 14002309
2002 Mastermieces
Gallery of Quilt Art E 14002559
205 Continuous-Line Quilting Designs
for Hand, Machine & Long-Arm Quilters
Fritz, Laura Lee E 1-57120-171-8 14000327
21 Terrific Patchwork Bags
Briscoe, Susan E 0-7153-1443-2 14001653
25 Jahre Galerie Smend
Katalog D 14000011
3 dimensional design
Pasquini, Katie E 0-914881-19-1 14000247
3-D Geometric Origami
Gurkewitz, Rona / Arnstein, Bennett E 0-486-28863-3 14000660
3-D-Patchwork - Patchwork nach der Rastertechnik
Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen
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Ruprecht Johanna deutsch 3-936672-06-7 14000952
3. europäische Quilts-Triennale
Textilsammlung Max Beck D/E 14002045
3. Quilt-Biennale 1989
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002267
300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks
Doak, Carol E 978-1-56477-534-4 14002515
318 Patchwork Patterns Orginal Patchwork and Appliqué Designs
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Fujita, Kumiko englisch 978-1940552118 14001778
365 Patchwork Blöcke
Quilt-Ideen für jeden Tag und alle Anlässe
Causee, Linda D 3-89858-972-2 14001095
365 Quilting Designs
Free Motion
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Day, Leah E 9781617455322 14001974
4. Europäische Quilt-Triennale 2009
Textilsammlung Max Berk Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stafd Heidelberg D 14001015
4. Quilt-Biennale 1991
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002261
40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts
Sloppy, Evelyn E 1-56477-547-X 14000584
48-Hour Applique Quilts
Causee, Linda E 1-57486-411-4 14001424
5-10-15+Fat Quarters
Stauffer, Jeanne E 978-1-59217-299-3 14002453
5. Europäische Quilt-Triennale
Textilsammlung Max Berk E 14001462
5. Quilt-Biennale 1993
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002262
500 Art Quilts
An Inspiering Collection of Contemporary Work
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Bresenhan, Karey englisch 1-60059-058-6 14001040
500 Traditional Quilts
Patterson Bresenhan, Karey ed. E 1-60059-688-6 14001760
5000 Flower & Plant Motifs
All 5000 images on free CD
McCallum, Graham Leslie E ISBN 978-1-906388-92-8 14002179
501 Patchwork-Blöcke
Die schönsten traditionellen Muster
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Lewis, Joan / Chiles, Lynette deutsch 978-3878706861 14000438
501 Quilt Blocks
A Treasury of Patterns for Patchwork and Appliqué
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Lewis, Joan / Chiles, Lynette englisch 978-0696204807 14000719
501 Quilting Motifs - Designs for Hand or Maschine Quilting
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Quiltmaker Magazine englisch 1-60468-054-7 14001194
505 Quilt Blocks
Plus 36 beautifu projects to make
Dahlstrom, Carol Field E 0-696-21653-1 14000622
55 famous Quilts
from the Shelburne Museum in Full Coloer
Oliver, Celia Y. E 0-486-26474-2 14000261
5500 Patchwork-Blöcke
traditionelle Muster, Variationen und neue Ideen
Malone, Maggie D 3-426-64262-X 14000854
6. Europäische Quilt-Triennale
Textilsammlung Max Berk - Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg D/E 14001841
6. Quilt-Biennale
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002043
7. Quilt-Biennale 1997
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002263
8. Europäische Quilt Trienale 2021
D 14002723
88 leaders in the quilt world today
Nobuaki Seto E/J 4-529-02557-8 14000722
90-Minutes Quilts
15+ Projects you can stitch in an afternoon
Butler, Meryl Ann E 978-0-89689-325-2 14002538
A Baker's Dozen
13 quilts from jelly rolls, layer cakes, and more
That Patchwork Place E 1-56477-975-0 14001417
A Bridge To Landscape Quilts
Hackett, Mary L. E 1-57432-856-5 14001603
A Celebration of Hearts
A Sempler of Hart Motifes for Quilting, Patchwork and Appliqué
Wells, Jean / Anderson, Mariana E 0-914881-22-1 14001107
A Colorful Book
Porcella, Yvonne E 0-936589-00-0 14000752
A communion of the spirits
African-American Quilters, Preservers, and Ther Stories
Freeman, Roland L E 1-55853-425-3 14000413
A Cozy Quilted Christmas
Schaefer, Kim E 1-57120-403-2 14000890
A Creative Guide to Patchwork and Appliqué
Turpin-Delport, Lesley E 1-85368-120-2 14000762
A Critter Christmas
Hohag, Linda E 6-36052-02025-5 14002182
A Family Gathering
Downs, Anni E 14002191
A Few of My Favorite Miniature QUILTS
Meunier, Christiane E 1-885588-67-4 14002350
A Fine Finish
New Bindings for Award-Winning Quilts
Mazuran, Cody E 978-1-56477-160-1 14002583
A fine line
Techniques and Inspirations for Creating the Quilt Design
Crust, Melody E 0-8092-9884-8 14000510
A Forest of Quilts
Designs for Those Who Love the Outdoors
Kralik, Terrie E 0-87349-553-5 14001436
A Fresh Look at Seasonal Quilts
Popa, Julie E 1-56477-680-8 14002177
A Fresh Twist on Fabric Folding
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Wat, Rebecca englisch 978-1571203205 14001429
A gallery of Amish quilts
Bishop, Robert E 0-525-47444-7 14000197
A Medieval Alphabet to illuminate
Bellerophon Books E 0-88388-001-6 14001420
A Modern Twist
Create Quilts with a colorful spin
Barnes, Natalie E 978-1-60468-499-5 14002491
A New Light On Storm At The Sea Quilts
One Block - An Ocean of Design Possibilities
Mathson, Wendy E 1-57120-578-0 14001624
A New Twist on Strips'n Curves
Featuring Swirl, Half Clamshall, Fee-Form Curves & Strips 'n Circles
Smith, Louisa L. E 1-57120-396-6 14000831
A Painter's Approach to Quilt Design
with Christine Barnes
Newman, Velda E 1-56477-119-9 14000406
A Painters Approach to Quilt Design
Newman, Velda E 978-1-56477-119-9 14002582
A Patchwork Christmas
Echols, Margit E 0-696-02305-9 14001016
A people and their quilts
Irwin, John Rice E 0-88740-024-8 14000680
A perfect match.
Thomas, Donna Lynn E 9781564771537 14000016
A Pocketful of Whimsy
Rindal Brooks, Kathleen E 978-1-88558-827-2 14002404
A practical guide to patchwork from the USA
Parry, Linda E 1-55562-032-9 14000055
A Quilter's Ark - More than 50 Designs for Foundation Piecing
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Rolfe, Margaret englisch 978-1604684360 14000353
A Quilter's Christmas
Johanson Twelker, N. E 0-943574-26-9 14000608
A Quilter´s Holiday
Chiaverini, Jennifer englisch 1-451-65821-4 14001539
A Reasury of Mennonite Quilts
Pellman, Rachel / Pellman, Kenneth E 978-1-5614-8059-3 14002639
A Spectrum of Quilts 1983 - 1995
Fallert, Caryl Bryer E 0-89145-874-3 14000755
A thimbleberries housewarming
Jensen, Lynette E 9781571201003 14000202
A treasury of Amish quilts
Pellman, Rachel E 1-56148-000-2 14000196
A Treasury Of Quilting Designs
Emery, Linda Goodmon E 0-89145-948-0 14002256
A workshop with Velda Newman
adding dimensiond to your quilts
Newman, Velda E 1-57120-185-8 14001419
About People
von Menschen
Kopp, Brigitte D/E 14002058
Above & Beyond Basics
Buckley, Karen Kay E 978-0-89145-866-2 14002575
Accorn Hollow
Halvorsen, Nancy E 14002107
Advanced Quilting
Svennas, Elsie e ISBN 0-684-16612- 14001183
Adventures in Circles
Quilt Designs from Start to Finish
McDonald, Liegh E. E 1-56477-802-9 14001352
Affairs of the Heart
Rossmann, Aie E 1-57432-859-X 14002192
African Printed Textile Designs
Horn, Diane V. E 0-88045-135-1 14002475
African Textile Patterns
Carpenter, Catherine E 978-1-4081-3072-8 14002479
Album Quilts of Ohio's Miami Valley
Cummings, Sue C. E 978-0-8214-1825-3 14002230