
Bücher filtern

Titel Autor Sprache ISBN Bibliotheks-Nr.
Bilder einer ungewöhnlichen Reise
Karibik, Kuna Indios, Amazonas, Schamanen & Mr. Bill
Durst, Ingrid D 3-8370-6937-0 14000987
Birds flowers Album
Oglesby, Bea E 1-57432-819-0 14001566
Bits & Pieces Quilt
Dease, Anne E 0-922705-48-8 14001406
Bits And Pieces
18 Small Quilts from Fat Quaters ans Scraps
Soltys, Karen Costello E 1-56477-738-3 14001641
Black & White - Bright & Bold - 24 Quilt Projects to Piese & Appliqué
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Schaefer, Kim englisch 978-1607057864 14002070
Blackwork Embroidery
Design and Technique
Pascoe, Margaret E 0-7134-5146-7 14000365
Blackwork Embroidery
Design & Zechnique
Pascoe, Margaret E 0-7134-5145-9 14000489
Blaue Wunder
Techniken und Projekte mit Cyanotypie
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Maehrle, Marlis D 978-3-258-60222-6 14002693
blendable curves
Stack, Slice & Sew Unique Quilts in a Weekend
Barkle, Peggy J. E 1-57120-425-3 14001410
Blended Quilt Backgrounds
Create Cecondary Patterns
Biddick, Jean E 1-57432-929-4 14001600
Blended Quilts From in the Beginning
16 Quilts Inspiers by the 1800s
Mc Closkey, Marsha / Yebter, Sharon Evans E 0-9706900-1-0 14000477
Blended Quilts II
From the Beginning
Mc Closkey, Marsha E 0-9706900-5-3 14000478
Blending Photos With Fabric
Kranz, Mary Ellen / Hayes, Cheryl E 1-893824-330 14001636
Blending Photos With Fabric 2
more great ideas to combine photography, printing and quiltmaking
Kranz, Mary Ellen E 1-89384-63-2 14001637
block für block
18 überraschend einfache Quilts
Rogers, Siobhan D ISBN 978-3-8307-0957-2 14002078
Blockbuster quilts
Miller, Margaret J E 0-943574-75-7 14000687
Blue and White
o.A. J 14000729
Blühende Quilts - 50 Gartenmotive zum Nähen auf Papier
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Lenz, Ula deutsch 978-3980681582 14000846
Bühler, Regina D 3-86673-180-9 14000955
Patchwork leicht gemacht
Bühler, Regina D 978-3-86673-180-6 14002382
Blumen auf Seide
Hejna, Margot D 3-89102-288-3 14000798
Blumen aus Vier Jahreszeiten Tail 2
Blumensträuse aus Baumwollstoff
Ondori J ISBN 4-277-46192- 14001343
Blumen und Blüten
Patchwork leicht gemacht
Bühler, Regina D 3-89858-974-9 14001090
Blumen-Patchwork - Kreative Muster in freier Schneidetechnik
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Mayr, Bernadette deutsch 978-3332016307 14000677
Hegenbart, Julia-Maria D 978-3-9609-3-0273 14002451
Bold And Beautiful
Artful quilts from just one fabric
Dains, Judy E 978564778925 14001692
Bold Improvisation
Searching for African-American Quilts
Heffley, Scott E 978-1-93346-25-5 14002471
Bonding And Beyond
Book 3
Beaney, Jan / Litteljohn, Jean E 0-9531750-2-2 14001598
Book of Quilt Making
Guild, Vera E 0-87851-017-6 14001184
Borders & Finishing Touches
Browning, Bonnie K. E 0-89145-899-9 14001393
Borders ,Bindings & Edges
The Art of Finishing Your Quilt
Collins, Sally E 1-57120-233-1 14001307
Borders by Design
Creative Ways to Border Your Quilts
Peters, Paulette E 1-56477-082-6 14000604
Botanical Wreaths
Nature's Glory in Applqué
Reinstatler, Laura Munson E 1-56477-056-7 14001278
Botschaften der Liebe und Hoffnung - Patchwork-Bilder und -Geschichten
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Krombholz, Kristel deutsch 978-3835911017 14001142
Branching Out Tree Quilts
Palmer, Carolann e 0-943574-36-6 14001236
Brave new Quilts
12 Projects Inspired by 20th-Century Art - From Art Nouveau to Punk & Pop
Ricketson, Kathreen E 978-1-60705-719-2 14002330
Breakdown Your Palette
A step-by-step guide to breakdown printing
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Higgins, Leah E 978-1-9995858-2-2 14002678
Bright Ideas for Lap Quilting
Bonesteel, Georgia E 0-8487-1003-7 14000605
Bright quilts from down under
From Australien Patchwork and Quilting Magazine
Soltys, Karen Costello E 1-56477-482-1 14000432
Köhlmark, Eva SW 91534-0650-8 14001683
Bücher binden
25 Buchobjekte aus Papier und Faden
Langwe, Monica D 9783258602318 14002700
Building Block Quilts
Nephew, Sara E 0-9621172-1-8 14001707
Building Block Quilts 2
Nephew, Sara E 0-9621172-2-6 14001205
Building Blocks Phase 2with Sharyn Craig
Craig, Sharyn E 14001904
Building Blocks with Sharyn Craig
Craig, Sharyn E 14001905
Burgoyne Surrounded
A Classic Quilt Plus Six Variations
Carlson, Elizabeth Hamby E 1-56477-523-2 14000430
Butterfly Pattern Collection
Hatch, Sandra E 14000657
Calendar Quilts
Hanson, Joan E 0-943574-77-3 14000635
Calico and Beyond
The Use of Patterned Fabric in Quilts
Horton, Roberta E 0914881-03-5 14001807
candy cane lane
Quilts and More to Sweeten the Holidays
Bula, Melinda E ISBN 978-1-56477-924-3 14002162
Caravan of Quilts
Fassett, Kaffe E 978-3-89858-763-0 14002558
Carefree Quilts
Joy-Lily E 978-144021-552-0 14002506
Catalogue Prestige 2010
Carrefour Européen du Patchwork D/E/F 2-9530317-3-1 14001078
Celebrate Great Quilts
Circa 1825 - 1940
Patterson Bresenham, Karey / O'Bryant Puentes, Nancy E 978-1-57120-251-X 14002649
Celebrate teh Tradition with C&T Publishing
Over 70 fabulous new blocks
Hensley, Tom, Hensley Carolie E 978-1-57120-215-3 14002561
Celebrate with Little Quilts
Berg, Allice / von Holt Mary Ellen / Johnson, Sylvia E 978-1-56477-108-3 14002578
Celebrating The Quilt
Twenty Quilts for Twenty Years
Schneider, Sally E 1-56477-139-3 14001669
Celebrations! Quilts for Cherished Familiy Moments
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Covey, Mary M. deutsch 978-1564774453 14000303
Celtic Quilting
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Lawther, Gail englisch 978-0715305409 14001656
Charm Quilts With Style
Aug, Bobbie A. / Newman, Sharon E 1-57432-751-8 14001762
Charmed, I'm Sure
Quilts and more from 5 Squares
Chaisson, Lesly E 1-56477-901-7 14001478
Charming Country Quilts
All New - 14 IOnspirng Projects
Craftworld Books E 1-875625348 14001026
Chinese Lattice Designs
191 Royalty-Free Images
Dye, Daniel Sheets E 9780486998855 14001910
Chrismas Oranments in a Hurry
Shore, Suzanne Tigune E 881956147 14001956
Christmas Book I
Bunka J 4-579-10326-2 14000773
Christmas Book II
Bunka ed. J 4-579-10387-4 14000774
Christmas Book III
Bunka ed J 4-579-10430-7 14000775
Christmas Celebration
Walter, Cindy E 0-87349-420-2 14002183
Christmas Delights
Quilts That Celebrate the Season
Huff, Jaynette E 1-56477-488-0 14002163
Christmas Quilts
McCloskey, Marsha E 0-943574-33-1 14001227
Cider Hill Flannel Quilts
Jensen, Lynette E 14001113
Cinnamon Inspirations
Byrne-Goarin, Marianne E/F 9782756504094 14001901
Circle Play
Simple Designs for Fabulous Fabrics
Pakusich, Reynola E 1-57120-235-8 14002126
Classic Crib Quilts and How to make them
Woodard, Thos. K. / Greenstein, Blanche E 978-0-486-27861-1 14002658
Classic Roots 2005-2016
Schüller, Birgit D 2-000038-763425 14002547
Clever Quarters
Fuilts from Fat-Quarter Cuts
Dissmore, Susan Teegarden E 1-56477-511-9 14000499
Clever Quarters, Too
More Quilts from Fat Quaters
Dissmore, Susan Teegarden E 1-56477-627-1 14001401
Clever Quilts Encore
Dissmore, Susan Teegarden E 1-56477-510-0 14000558
Clues in the Calico
A Guide to Identifying and Dating Antique Quilts
Brackman, Barbara englisch 0-939009-27-7 14001983
Coffee-Time Quilts
Super Projects, Sweet Recipes
Wierzbicki, Cathy E 1-56477-525-9 14000577
Coincidence Quilt Projekts
Jetzt wird gewürfelt
Hufnagel, Jutta D 978-3-7528-3266-2 14002450
Collecting Quilts
Showcase Quilts, starting your collection, complete instructions for 5 heirloom quilts
Grieve, Narelle E 977-1-32722-500-1 14002650
Collections Two
Kimmel, Gerry / Brannock, Linda / Patek, Jan E 14001168
Collector Scrap Quilts and how to make them
Book II in the Collector Quilt Series
Michell, Marti E ISBN 3-540-92413-6 14002356
Color and Cloth
A Quiltmaker's Ultimate Workbook
Coyne Penders, Mary E 978-0-913327-20-4 14002644
Color and Composition for the Creative Quilter
Improve any Quilt with Easy-to-Follow Lessons
Masopust, Katie Pasquini / Barker, Brett E 1-57120-272-2 14000511
Color by Accident
Johnston, Ann E 978-0-96567-760-8 14002500
Color choices
Making color sense out of color theory
Quiller, Stepen E 0-8230-0696-4 14000318
Color Elegant Design To Stitch
Haigh, Janet E 1-931499-85-3 14002203
Color for Quilters
McKelvey, Susan Richardson E 0-932946-16-x 14000411
Color from the heart
Perry, Gai E 9781571200716 14000188
Color Fusion
Fiberworks by Laura Heine
Heine, Laura E 0-9641201-5-1 14000667
Color Improvisations 2
Crow, Nancy D/E 14002052
Color Magic For Quilters
Absolutley the Easiest, Most Successfu Method for Choosing Colors and Fabrics to Create Quilts You'll Love
Seely, Ann / Stewart, Joyce E 0-87596-755-8 14001690
Color play
Wolfrom, Joen E 9781571201058 14000205
Color Play Quilts
Better Homes and Gardens E 14001731
color the quilter's guide
Barnes, Christine D 1-56477-164-4 14001292
Coloring With Thread
A No-Drawing Approach to Free-Motion Embroiderey
Fahl, Ann E 1-57120-296-X 14002129
Colors Changing Hue
Porcella, Yvonne E 0-914881-86-8 14000695
Colourwash Quilts
A Personal Approach to Design & Technique
Amsden, Deirdre E 1-56477-051-6 14001686