
Bücher filtern

Titel Autor Sprache ISBN Bibliotheks-Nr.
Textiler Dialog
Bach, Dörte / Widmann, Helga D 14002016
7. Quilt-Biennale 1997
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002263
Color Play Quilts
Better Homes and Gardens E 14001731
Design und Patchwork Symposium Berlin 2001
Crutze, Ginie / Jahrsen, Jutta D 14000919
Made in Germany, inspired by Britain
Wholclothquilts - Tradition, Entsechung und Gestaltung
Stracke, Andrea D 14001303
Von der Kramgasse zur Quiltgasse
Internationale Quiltausstellung in der Kramgasse Bern 2004
o. A. D/E 14002039
Tex-Tour 1
Mett, Gabi D 14000887
4. Europäische Quilt-Triennale 2009
Textilsammlung Max Berk Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stafd Heidelberg D 14001015
The Founndation Piecer
Volume 7 Nummer 3 Autumn 2002
Schwartz, Liz ed E 14001799
Bärchen Brumm
Filzspielzeugherstellung II
Nagy, Mari / Vidak, Istvan D 14001932
Woodworks Junction
Basinger, Denise / Koller, Diana, Baer, Shirley E 14001112
Zeichen der Zeit
Engagement und Kunst
Heinz, Gudrun D 14002439
Scaling Down - Pattern and Techniques for Small Scale Quilts
Hughes, Trudie englisch 14001240
Mensch Technik Natur
Bernina D 14002017
Woodland Christmas
Mumm, Debbie E 14001080
The Hidden Star Sampler
Ferrier, Beth E 14001732
Tradition und Moderne VI
Patchwork Gilde D 14001835
The Foundation Piecer
Volume 7 Nummer 2 Summer 2002
Schwartz, Liz ed E 14001800
Filz im Puppenspiel
Nagy, Mari / Vidak, Istvan D 14001933
Blue and White
o.A. J 14000729
food & design
Mayr, Bernadette D 14002297
Cider Hill Flannel Quilts
Jensen, Lynette E 14001113
Let's Pump Iron!
Heinz, Gudrun D 14002440
Traditional Quilts
He Easy Way
Hultgren, Sharon E 14001241
Quilting from the Heartland's
A Slice of quilted Spice
Jorgenson, Sharlene E 14001369
Secrets to Successful Stabilizing
What When Where Which Why & How
Sulky E 14002130
textilgestalten 2
Thomkins, Eva (Hersg.) D 14000535
Quilt et textile franxais contemporains
Gerliche, Dominique Ed. F 14001869
Wool quilts Old and New
Touring Exhibition
Running Stich E 14001998
Tradition und Moderne VII
Patchwork Gilde Deutschlannd e.V. D 14001836
Surface Design Summer 2001
Surface Design Association E 14002042
The Foundation Piecer
Volume 7 Nummer 1 Spring 2002
Schwartz, Lis ed E 14001801
Heilende Filze
Nagy, Mari / Vidak, Istvan D 14001934
Zeitgenössische Textilkunst
Verband der Japanischen Zeitgenössischen Textilkunst D 14002298
Soar High in the Sky
Quilt Exhibition, January 2018
Lavan, Yemima E 14002441
Quick Tech
Trip Around the World
Chiles, Lynette / Padgett, Joan / Parrott, Jo E 14001242
The Starlight Bouquet Sampler
Ferrier, Beth E 14001638
Le patchwork contemporain en Suisse III
F/E/D 14002266
Quilts in red and green
The Flowering od Folk Design in the 19th Century America
The Wichita/ Sedgwick Country Historical Museum E 14001999
Tradition bis Moderne VIII
Patchwork Gilde Deutschland e.V. D 14001837
Tradition bis Moderne IX
Patchwork Gilde Deutschland e.V. D 14001838
6. Quilt-Biennale
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002043
The Foundation Piecer
Volume 6 Nummer 1 Spring 2001
Schwartz, Liz ed E 14001802
Patchwork Variation
o.A. J 14000731
Unfolding Stories 3
Contemporary Quilters West E 14002442
An Introducion to the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Demetrion, James T. englisch 14000284
3. Quilt-Biennale 1989
Textilmuseum Max Beck D 14002267
American Quilt Classics 1800 - 1980
The Bresler Collection
Mint Museum of Craft + Design E 14002674
Brendel, Christiane D 14000212
Coxcomb Quilts
Eines, Donna Hanson E 14000356
Arkansas Quilts
Arkansas Quilters Guild E 14001704
Tradition bis Moderne X
Patchwork Gilde Deutschland e.V. D 14001839
Quilt Art
A Contemporary View
Textilmuseum Max Beck D/E 14002044
South African Quilter`s Guild ?
Katalog E 14000034
The Foundation Piecer
Volume 6 Nummer 2 Summer 2001
Schwartz, Liz ed E 14001803
Daylily Days
Need'l Love
Nanneman, Renée E 14001936
Farbräume - Colourfields
Network Quilters D 14002300
Best pattern patchwork
Ondori J 14001116
Swiss National Exhibition Contemporary Quilt Art
Association Suisse du Patchwork D 14002443
1. Europäische Quilt-Triennale
Textilmuseum Max Beck D/E 14001244
Färben in der Tüte
Ohne Chaos! Einfach schöne Stoffe färben
Muuß, Susanne D 14000570
Building Blocks Phase 2with Sharyn Craig
Craig, Sharyn E 14001904
Moving On
Quilt Art E 14002268
Brendel, Chrisiane D 14000213